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2017 Annual KenTra Care Angel Tree Uncut Diamond Celebration - December 8, 2017

2021 Annual KenTra Care Angel Tree Uncut Diamond Celebration 

2020 Annual KenTra Care Angel Tree Uncut Diamond Celebration 

This year as a little different for us.  Covid -19 may have limited us in gathering together in one place, but it did not stop us from bringing smiles to the children this year.  We made special deliveries to the families this year. You can see the joy which is why we continue each year to support our community. 

Covid 19 may still be here, but our committment to the community has not changed.  Once again we were able to support those families in need.  Our special deliveries to the families this year brought such joy to our hearts and gratitiude from those receiving.  Our mission will never change!  #Watching God's Love in Action! 

2019 Annual KenTra Care Angel Tree Uncut Diamond Celebration 

2018 Annual KenTra Care Angel Tree Uncut Diamond Celebration 

Previous years- Annual KenTra Care Angel Tree Uncut Diamond Celebration


Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas


2015 & 2016

Story Time

Story Time

2014 Uncut Diamonds Celebration

Haiti Missionary Trip

2018 Back To Supply Drive

2018 Back To Supply Drive

The KenTra Care Organization continues each year to assist families with much needed school supplies.

Handmade Blankets

Handmade Blankets

KenTra Care Provided handmade blankets for the nursery of St. Bernadine's Catholic Church in 2016.

Christmas at Waxter

Christmas at Waxter

Christmas stockings made with the children at the Waxter Detention Center during our Annual Christmas Celebration.

"2016 School Supplies"

"2016 School Supplies"

KenTra Care provides much needed back to school supplies for the children of incarcerated parents.

Comfort Pillows

Comfort Pillows

KenTra Care "Made by Hands" pillows are donated to the Susan G. Komen of MD to help women after surgery. The pillows are designed to provide pain relief, comfort and support.

"2014" Back-to-School

"2014" Back-to-School

Finding Grace Ministry partnered with KenTra Care annual back-to-school drive, together they were able to donate bags and school supplies to a local Head Start Program.

"2015" Back-to-School

"2015" Back-to-School

KenTra Care's Founder & President dropping off school supplies in the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia area.

Pajamas for sick kids

Pajamas for sick kids

Kami's Jammies provides new sleepwear and themed parties to pediatric patients in the hospital. This program is part of Casey Cares Foundation.